Cigars and Cigarillos: An Emerging Segment in the Tobacco Industry of India
India Cigar and Cigarillos |
India has seen rapid economic growth in the past few decades. With rising disposable incomes and exposure to global brands, consumer preferences and spending habits are changing. While cigarettes have traditionally dominated the tobacco market in India, newer segments like cigars and cigarillos are emerging. These premium tobacco products are gaining popularity among urban youth and professionals looking for alternatives or additions to their smoking choices. Let's take a closer look at the cigar and cigarillo market in India - its current status, trends and future outlook.
Current Scenario of Cigars and Cigarillos in India
While cigarettes dominate around 75% of the tobacco market, the cigar and cigarillo segment has grown steadily in the last 5 years. Reports suggest annual sales of cigars and cigarillos have risen over 15-20% each year. Major players exporting to India include corporates from the Dominican Republic, Philippines, Honduras and Nicaragua. Domestic production is also picking up with licensed manufactures in states like Manipur.
Popular brands available in major cities include Arturo Fuente, Macanudo, Drew Estate, Acid, Romeo Y Julieta among others. Cigars typically cost INR 300-800 while cigarillos range from INR 50-200. They are sold through imported premium cigar stores, high-end liquor stores as well as online portals. While standards vary, some popular cigar sizes include Corona, Torpedo, Robusto weighing 5-8 grams on an average. Cigarillos are smaller, weighing 1-3 grams. Flavored varieties with hints of coffee, chocolate etc are gaining popularity too.
Growing Popularity Among Urban Youth
Market surveys reveal the average cigar/cigarillo consumer in India is a male in the age group 25-45 years, belonging to upper middle/high income strata. Exposure to global travel and media has increased awareness of these tobacco products as a recreational activity or lifestyle accessory. The urban youth perceives India Cigars And Cigarillos as more premium and sophisticated alternatives to cigarettes. Social media influences like cigar influencers and reviewers promoting the smoking experience as a stress-buster or hobby have also boosted interest levels among young professionals and entrepreneurs with disposable incomes.
Rise of Cigar Lounges and Premium Retail Outlets
To strengthen distribution and create awareness, cigar brands have set up exclusive smoking lounges and stores in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Goa etc. These venues bring together aficionados for bonding over hand-rolled and machine-made cigars along with international liquors. Carefully curated interiors, walk-in humidors and knowledgeable staff help enhance the customers' recreational experience. Some lounges also host events like pairing nights and international brand launches. This has lent more visibility and acceptance to cigars as a part of urban socializing and networking. More premium retail outlets stocking a diverse assortment of cigars, cigarillos as well as smoking accessories have further boosted easy accessibility.
Online Sales and Socio-Cultural Influences
E-commerce websites dedicated to tobacco products have mushroomed as well. They offer doorstep delivery of international and local cigar brands alongside reviews, tutorials and membership programs. Online groups and subscription boxes have made the hobby more affordable as well as connect enthusiasts virtually. Urban socio-cultural habits like casual outdoor meets, parties and music festivals are also spreading awareness informally. In addition, several five-star hotels and liquor stores in metropolitan cities now stock premium cigars as part of their luxury offerings to discerning clientele. All these factors are gradually normalizing cigars as an upper-crust indulgence over the traditional cigarettes.
Regulatory Scenario and Health Implications
However, the growth of cigars and cigarillos also brings certain regulatory and health challenges. Currently, there are no specific regulations governing the manufacturing, packaging, advertising, usage or taxation of these tobacco products in India. They are imported and sold without any health warnings which are mandatory for cigarettes. Prolonged cigar/cigarillo use has been linked to cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses similar to cigarettes. Passive smoking effects also raise concerns. It remains to be seen if the government will introduce new laws to curb promotional activities and ensure correct product information reaches consumers. Public health advocates also argue for higher taxation of premium tobacco to discourage casual adoption. Overall, while the category shows potential, balanced regulations will be crucial for its long term development.
Future Outlook
As India's middle class population and disposable spending surges, the cigar and cigarillo segment is expected to grow at an annual rate of 20-25% in the coming years. Urban centers will continue witnessing rising retail touch-points while e-commerce assumes greater importance. Domestic production may gather pace if policies promote it. Potential also exists to develop smaller segments like machine-rolled cigars. Tourist destinations can leverage cigars as a luxury offering for global travelers. Collaborations between international companies and local distributors will likely drive newer product variants, marketing initiatives as well as after-sales services. Overall, with responsible regulations and health advisories in place, cigars and cigarillos have opportunity to carve a sustained niche in India's evolving tobacco consumption landscape.
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